1st Place Hack The Woods

Orvos: Health App & Award Winning Pitch


Due to old systems, effective communication in healthcare between patients and practitioners outside of appointments is often challenging and inefficient.

The Problem

Current systems in healthcare are stressful for both practitioners and patients.

  • 21% of health professionals report filing Electronic Health Records is a major source of stress
  • 32% of patients report that managing appointments is a frustrating experience adding to a stressful situation.

Results & Takeaways

Time management and adapting to tight deadlines—despite limited time, our team communicated effectively and leveraged our strengths to deliver a winning design.

My Role

Research, Ideation, UI/UX, Visual design, Prototyping, Powerpoint


Figma, Figjam, Powerpoint




Improve efficiency and increase quality of healthcare for both Patients and Practitioners


Key Problems

Poor communication:
leading cause in patient dissatisfaction is lack of communication with healthcare professionals.
EHRs are difficult to use:
unintuitive systems cause inefficiencies and require lots of training to operate.
Weak IT security measures:
U.S. healthcare facilities had 560+ cyberattacks in 2020 alone.


We analyzed competitors to identify strengths and weaknesses in supporting patient-practitioner communication. We found that these platforms primarily focus on one-time visits or isolated aspects of the care process, rather than addressing the comprehensive needs of patients and healthcare providers.


Referral MD


Health Records


Prescription Management

Patient-Doctor Communication


Our Approach

Partners in Care — get patients more involved:
  • Sharable health profile
  • 2–way scheduler feature
  • Collaborative medical log
Simplify and Streamline
  • Dashboards for clear visibility and boost productivity
  • Color coded system
  • Clean text and UI
Update + Refresh Systems
  • Secure & privacy focused
  • UI reflects reliability and trust
  • UX reinforces practitioner and patient bond

Designing the UI & UX

With limited time, we outlined task flows and prioritized core features for wireframing. Allowing us to experiment and establish a consistent design system + brand that reflects reliability and trust.

Note: Although we couldn't conduct tests, I would have validated our work through a 4-6 month diary study with a diverse user group.

Task flow diagram with votes represented with Figjam stickers, imageInitial concepts shown through rough greyscale wireframes, image



Orvos prioritizes clear communication, acting as a central hub for scheduling, aftercare, and next steps, improving the experience for both practitioners and patients. Unlike competitors, Orvos addresses the comprehensive needs of Patient and Practitioners by ensuring the involvement of all parties, maintaining essential features and enhancing the usual features.

01 — Home Screen

Patients dashboard to view and manage upcoming appointments, featuring the most important and urgent content in cascading order.

02 — Medical Log

A timeline accessible to both patients and doctors, recording relevant post appointment summaries, procedures, tests, and patient-tracked data for future reference. Promoting partners in care.

03 — Scheduler

Patients can block out unavailable dates, set scheduling preferences, and view already booked appointments, giving doctors and administrators more information about their availability.

04 — Profile

Patient’s create an overview of repeatable important health information needed to make appointments quick and easy.

01 — Patient Overview

After patients consent and share their health profiles Practitioners will have access to their health records.

02 — Appointments

Practitioners can view a patients upcoming and past appointments in one place.

03 — Scheduler

03 — Scheduler

Practitioners can review patients upcoming and past appointments, allowing them to schedule a day best for all parties involved.

04 — Lab Results

04 — Lab Results

Search and sort through a database of lab results